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What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, the science of life, originated in India over 5000 years ago. It is the oldest health-care system in the world and is considered the original mind-body medicine. The W.H.O. recognized Ayurveda in 1990. ​

Ayurveda is based on the belief that humans are a microcosm of the universe, reflecting it's 5 elements,

ether, water, air, fire and earth.

According to Ayurveda each person has a unique constitution or blueprint, made up of a combination of these elements. The 3 main types, called doshas (biological humors) are:

  • Vata- governs movement, communication, circulation...

  • Pitta- governs transformation, metabolism...

  • Kapha- governs stability, cohesion...


For example a Vata-dominant person might be creative and full of energy, but may run out of energy quickly.  Vatas have a tendency for variable digestion, restlessness and difficulty sleeping. Vata's qualities are cold and dry and Vatas prefer to be in a warm climate.


A Pitta-dominant person has oily and hot qualities. He or she prefers colder climates and tends to get irritated in warm weather with warm and flushed  skin. Pittas are efficient, competitive and tend to be perfectionists. When out of balance, a pitta person is impatient and get's easily agitated and angry. Pittas are prone to inflammatory disorders and to acid indigestion. 


People that are Kapha-dominant are strong, generous and relaxed with good stamina and good immunity when in balance. Kapha qualities are stable and heavy. When out of balance they gain weight easily and are prone to depression, water retention and congestion.

In order to achieve harmony one can make lifestyle choices such as nutrition, exercise, meditation, yoga, and ayurvedic massage to keep the doshas in balance.

To find out what your dosha is please visit this website:

For more information on Ayurveda please visit:

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